Always try to have a U.S. currency reserve on hand of about fifty dollars per member of the family. Don't count on being able to cash checks, but have your checkbook with you in case you can.
Collectively, all the above items might be called your emergency kit.
Naturally, your furniture, your carefully accumulated souvenirs, your heirlooms are all precious to you. We've thought of them also. But let's face it! If you had to move suddenly, you couldn't take them with you. If you make that inventory we have suggested, it could serve as the basis for an indemnity claim if they should be lost. However, after your personal safety is assured, every effort would be made to secure your belongings. Security, packing, crating and moving would be carried out to the very limit of our ability. Your inventory would assist us greatly in this packing.
In the event of an emergency, you would be advised what to do about your car. In past emergencies in other countries, they have been gathered together
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